Monday, October 20, 2008


Erin isn't afraid to be embarrassed. This is a remarkable and remarkably wonderful quality. When she does something that she finds embarrassing, she is usually the first one to point it out and laugh. As people are generally armed with insecurity and pretense, Erin completely disarms them. She can transform a room in seconds. Around Erin, you let your guard down and feel free to be yourself and enjoy your company unselfconsciously. In me, this often creates an overwhelming feeling of wanting to hug her. (I don't know why. It can be awkward when poorly timed. Sorry, Erin, for any awkward hugging.) She's just that magnetic. On a separate note, Erin exemplifies being transformed through service. I've rarely seen someone become so dedicated to others, and do so in all the right ways and for all the right reasons. She doesn't impose, but she is there. She doesn't overwhelm, but she gives.

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