Friday, December 5, 2008


Erna gardened the way a mother may raise a child - at times meticulous, at times benignly distant, intuitively, dutifully, with gratitude. Her shed was full of possibly useful tools and salvage, her kitchen warm, her home blissfully cluttered, in the sense of someone who has done without, and who appreciates small things. Unwavering, undemanding. She smiles, knowingly.


Anonymous said...

You captured Grandma exactly "spot on!" ...She sure had a knowing smile! I remember when I took Rebecca to meet her. I think she knew before I did (that we woud be married). Then she handed Rebecca her gall bladder in a jar!

An amazing woman.

Anonymous said...

My favorite memories of Grandma:
-spending two weeks every summer with her and Grandpa
-her story of eating watermelon as a child (just smash the watermelon on the ground and eat the hearts with your hands until you fall asleep on the porch. Give the rest to the pigs).
-her spicy pickles
-her singing German hymns and carols
-her kolaches
-her colorful names for flowers
-her amusement at our style of 42 play
-her pumpkin pie with poultry seasoning ("Taste this and tell me what's wrong with it.")
-her garden
-her laugh