Friday, January 23, 2009


Silvio is a great lyricist, generally unknown in the US. Translations can't approximate his power, but they can try, in this and posts to come. He weaves politics, love, the mundane and the ideal - dissolving, rising above, sublimating any one thought, idea or ideology.

Today, my duty was

Here is a translation, open to constructive suggestions:

Today my duty was
to sing for my country
to raise the flag
to join the fray
today was a moment
rather optimistic
a rebirth
a conquering sun
but you've been missing for so many days
that I want to and can't rejoice
I think of your hair
crashing into my pillow
and I'm such that I can't fight another battle

Today, though I should
have sung with the chorus
I hide from the day
I whisper this alone
What am I doing so far away, justifying
this cruel trick of the senses?

Your delicate lips,
kissing mine,
conquer, own, don't relent
your body and my body
singing struggles
possessed sounds, feverish trembles

Today my duty was
to sing to the fatherland
to raise the flag
to join the fray
and I believe that, perhaps,
I've finally achieved it
dreaming your embrace
rushing to your side

He prefaces the song by saying, "I sung this in a Chilean prison, to a group of political prisoners."

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